The best communication is targeted and meaningful – whether it be working to deliver consultation responses, drive public support for a cause or issue, or pursuing much-needed legislative or regulatory change. But we understand that the nature of campaigning has changed. Effective campaigns don’t simply focus on public policy audiences to deliver change – they take an holistic approach, employing a variety of integrated techniques and tactics to achieve a goal.
What is Grayling Engage?
Grayling Engage is our specialist stakeholder, community and digital engagement practice. We work across our regions and specialties, combining our specialist knowledge of engagement and consultation with regional teams’ local knowledge. Our communications and engagement experience spans across all sectors, including Government, property and development, transport and infrastructure, health and the third sector.
Our role is to help our clients understand who they need to engage with, and support them to do this effectively. We have developed a three-pronged campaigning methodology, focused on coordinating activity aimed at mobilising three core groups – political stakeholders, the media, and the public – to help achieve your goals.
As part of the Engage offer, we have developed EngageOnline, our powerful digital consultation and engagement platform; visit our EngageOnline website to find out more.
To find out how we can help you create advantage through stakeholder engagement, contact