Ethical Trading Policy
At Grayling, we take our responsibilities as a global corporate citizen very seriously; we are fully committed to operating ethically and demonstrating good stewardship throughout our business operations across the world. As a commercial organisation, we recognise the need to ensure our business goals are aligned with our legal, moral and ethical obligations and we are committed to growing our business and delivering shareholder value while maintaining an uncompromising stance on unethical practices, products and organisations.
This policy applies to all Grayling businesses across all markets. Where we have established formal affiliate relationships with other agencies to deliver work under a Grayling contract, we expect our affiliate partners to operate by the same guidelines. Grayling is part of the Accordience Group and as such is also governed by Accordience policies (
Grayling’s Global Ethical Policy Group
This comprises a small number of senior level board directors drawn from across our business. It is chaired by a member of the Grayling Advisory Board and reports to and advises the Global Chief Executive. Grayling’s Global Ethical Policy Group is responsible for the creation, review and implementation of our Ethical Trading Policy. It reviews any issues raised by our consultants from around the Grayling network. Such issues may include, but are not limited to, clients (current or new) whose operations cause some level of concern against our own ethical stance.
Clients – products and services
Grayling recognises that many companies have diverse portfolios of products, services and industry sectors they serve, and we do not seek to develop a definitive list of commercial organisations that Grayling wouldn’t work with. However, we will not accept any assignments that would require us to:
- promote tobacco smoking or support any operations of tobacco companies;
- encourage activities deemed to be illegal in the countries in which the campaigns are to be delivered;
- encourage excessive consumption of, reliance upon or addiction to: alcohol; food; non- prescription medication; gambling;
- promote alcohol to those below the legal age limit defined in each territory / country or jurisdiction;
- support an organisation which is actively selling arms to governments or other parties where a military or civil conflict exists that contravenes UN resolutions.
We will judge every prospective client on an individual basis and will not accept a contract or fees from an organisation that is obviously reliant on any of the activities outlined above. If a client’s operations are not covered by this scope, but we remain concerned that its activities may compromise our own ethical position, it will be referred to the Global Ethical Policy Group.
We will not accept a contract or fees from an organisation where we believe our working with that particular client would have a detrimental impact on our own reputation or the reputations of our existing clients. Final decisions will be made by the Global CEO taking advice from the Global Ethical Policy Group.
Clients – labour standards
This applies to all Grayling employees, contractors, and business partners. We also expect our suppliers to respect and adhere to this policy.
Where Grayling considers and ultimately participates in ventures as a non-controlling shareholder, we make the other shareholder(s) aware of the significance of this policy to us and encourage them to apply the same policy or a similar standard to the venture.
Grayling is completely opposed to slavery and human trafficking and will not knowingly support or conduct business with any organisation involved in such activities.
Where international human rights standards and local laws conflict, we will respect applicable laws while seeking to uphold the principles of internationally recognised standards. We aim to fully comply with applicable human rights legislation in the countries in which we operate.
We will:
- seek to avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts through our own activities and address such impacts, if they do occur, in a timely and appropriate manner,
- seek to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts that are directly related to our operations and services through our business relationships,
- provide for, or cooperate in their remediation through legitimate processes, if we identify that we have caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts, and
- continue to look for ways to support the promotion of human rights within our operations and our sphere of influence.
We will maintain the highest levels of transparency around our client relationships. We will not comply with any client request for us to distort the truth about the client’s business activities or practices.
Our statements below draw upon the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work:
- Child Labour: We will not use child labour and will comply with all relevant laws in this regard. We do, however, support legitimate workplace apprenticeships, internships and other similar programmes that comply with the applicable laws and regulations.
- Modern Slavery: We will not use forced, bonded or involuntary labour. We have a zero-tolerance approach towards human trafficking.
- Health, Safety and Hygiene: All of our employees will work in an environment that is both safe and healthy, in line with our Health & Safety Policy.
- Freedom of Association and Employee Representation: We respect the rights of our employees to form, join or not join a labour union, or other organisation of their choice.
- Working Hours: We will ensure that working hours are reasonable and comply with the law and industry standards.
- Equality of Treatment: We are fully committed to eliminating discrimination in recruitment, training and working conditions, on grounds of race, colour, sex, age, religion, political opinion, national extraction, sexual orientation, disability, or social origin and to promoting equality of opportunity and treatment as outlined in our statements and policies on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Employment Terms: We will provide written and clear detail of the terms and conditions on which Grayling engages its employees. We will ensure that work performed by employees is on the basis of recognised employment law and practice.
- Remuneration: We will, at a minimum, provide wages and benefits that meet national standards. We are committed to equal pay and benefits for men and women for work of equal value.
Clients – sovereign and political
Grayling will only work for governments of countries which are members of the UN, or which are dependencies of UN members. We will not work with governments of countries where there are sanctions applied by resolution of the United Nations or British Commonwealth, or where such a state does not enjoy normal diplomatic relations with the international community.
Where a jurisdiction fulfils these criteria, we will provide services to its government, agencies and charitable trusts in areas including:
- Tourism
- Inward investment
- Sovereign wealth funds
- Privatisation
- Health and wellbeing
- Education
- Environmental projects
- Cultural projects
We will not undertake proactive PR campaigns on behalf of political parties or individual candidates, but we will provide media training services where we neither influence nor advise on content or campaigns. We will also consider supporting charitable activities undertaken by heads of state or government, subject to review by the Global Ethical Policy Group.
If countries or governments fulfil all the criteria above, but there is still some concern over the record of human rights or civil liberties, we will refer the matter to Grayling’s Global Ethical Policy Group.
Grayling and its parent company Inizio Holdings are head-quartered and registered in the United Kingdom. We maintain a close working relationship with the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office and when relevant we will seek its guidance before embarking on any work that will directly or indirectly support a country or government. Other international security and rating agencies may also be consulted to obtain risk analysis and advice.
Grayling’s environmental and sustainability standards
We have genuine expertise in environmental and sustainability communications campaigns around the world. As such, Grayling’s specialist sustainability team possesses a deep knowledge of best practice in environmental stewardship. This has contributed towards the development of Grayling’s own environmental policy which is adopted throughout our network.
The basic principles include, but are not limited to, commitments to:
- Minimise waste by ensuring sound procurement and re-use strategies
- Reduce energy usage wherever possible
- Prevent pollution and conserve natural resources wherever possible
- Adhere to the standard environmental policies of each country in which we operate.
We will not accept a contract or fees from an organization that we know to have knowingly/deliberately contravened environmental legislation in any of the countries in which they operate.
Grayling’s employment policy and working practices
Grayling’s employees are our greatest asset. We believe it is our responsibility to offer a stimulating and rewarding environment in which to work and learn. This policy is supplemented by further country-specific policies governing equal opportunities, discriminatory behaviour, health and safety, and working practices.
- We fully support and comply with all points covered in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- We fully support and comply with all guidelines laid out in the Fundamental International Labour Organization Conventions
- We fully support and comply with all the terms covered by the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015)
- We look to our clients, suppliers and partners to operate in accordance with our Ethical Trading Policy.
- When working with suppliers and subcontractors our standard payment terms are 60 days but we are willing to negotiate.
Grayling’s delivery of communications services
Grayling is committed to ethical communications, providing our clients with highest professional standards based on transparency and best practice. Consequently, we do not engage with any of the following practices:
- “Astroturfing”: the artificial creation of grassroots buzz for a product, service or political viewpoint. This includes adopting automated astroturfing, for example online zombie services to increase social media buzz, generate spam content or increase page hits, video views, clicks, etc.
- The use of social media for covert marketing or public relations purposes. If an employee or contractor has a vested interest in something they are discussing or promoting, they must always use their own name and clearly point it out (EG Disclosure: I work with xxx brand).
- Any such practices not detailed here that are deemed to be illegal in the countries in which a campaign is to be delivered and / or inconsistent with best industry practice as described by the ICCO and / or recognised public relations and communications trade associations.
Artificial Intelligence
Grayling will, from time to time, publish policies specifically relating to the adoption of AI, and protocols for its use both internally and its use in creating materials and content for external dissemination.