
Sector: Consumer PR and Brand Communications

Saxo Bank współpracuje z Grayling

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Saxo Bank, wiodący duński specjalista w zakresie handlu i inwestycji online, powierzył Grayling Poland prowadzenie działań komunikacyjnych i zarządzanie wizerunkiem firmy w Polsce.

W ramach współpracy zespół Grayling odpowiada za relacje z mediami i pozycjonuje ekspertów Saxo na polskim rynku. Celem tych działań jest budowanie reputacji Saxo Banku jako zaufanej i nowatorskiej platformy inwestycyjnej, jak również wzmocnienie pozycji firmy w tej części Europy. Po stronie agencji strategiczny nadzór nad zespołem sprawuje Izabela Wójtowicz, Account Director, a za współpracę z Grayling Poland po stronie klienta odpowiada Søren Otto Simonsen, Head of PR w Saxo.

Saxo Bank to jeden z klientów Grayling działający na styku technologii i finansów. Mamy więc okazję wykorzystać wieloletnie doświadczenie naszych konsultantów i wesprzeć firmę w budowaniu spójnej narracji, która wzbudzi zainteresowanie, a także przybliży polskim inwestorom złożony świat globalnych finansów. Polacy są obecnie szczególnie zainteresowani tematem dywersyfikacji geograficznej swoich inwestycji, więc to ciekawy moment na współpracę z taką organizacją – mówi Klara Banaszewska, dyrektor generalna Grayling Poland.

Polska jest jednym z kluczowych rynków Saxo Banku w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Rosnąca liczba klientów Saxo na lokalnym rynku pokazuje, że Polacy są coraz bardziej zainteresowani inwestowaniem. Dawanie im takiej możliwości to główny cel Saxo, zgodny z filozofią firmy, którą jest zachęcanie ludzi ciekawych świata do inwestowania.

Cieszymy się, że możemy działać wspólnie z Grayling, aby wzmocnić naszą obecność w Polsce i liczymy na owocną współpracę – mówi Søren Otto Simonsen, Head of PR w Saxo.

Saxo to internetowy specjalista ds. handlu i inwestycji z duńską licencją bankową, który umożliwia inwestowanie na międzynarodowych rynkach kapitałowych, wspierając dywersyfikację portfela i bezpieczeństwo środków. Klienci Saxo mają dostęp do ponad 70 000 instrumentów inwestycyjnych i niskich prowizji, pomocy w języku polskim, a także mogą korzystać z rozliczeń PIT. Możliwość inwestowania za pośrednictwem licencjonowanego banku jest kluczowym aspektem oferty dla ponad 1,2 miliona klientów na całym świecie.

Life at Grayling: Interview with account executive Evelyn Cowen

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In our latest post on life at Grayling, we meet Evelyn Cowen, who joined us in September 2022. We get the lowdown on why they chose PR as a career and their experience so far.

What attracted you to a role in PR?
Prior to starting at Grayling, I had an extremely varied but somewhat esoteric range of experience, including running an electronics repair business, working in the Royal Household, engaging in activism, and pitching an ambitious – if moderately fantastical – scheme to a global sustainability company involving the mixing of precious metals with a radioisotope.

In addition to the innate interest in current events every PR employee possesses, there really is no other industry that combines and develops these disparate interests. Grayling, more so than most firms, has the client list to back this up, with clients in practically every industry going and plenty of opportunities to work with them.

I am very much of the opinion that no other industry develops such a wide range of skills so quickly, and I have very much been proven right. Working in PR allows one to experience limited ‘doses’ of a huge range of industries, and that makes it a phenomenal place to begin a career. If one isn’t sure what sort of place one would like to work at, PR encourages one to trial a range of them, and Grayling more so than most.

What challenges have you faced?
Compared to some people, I have a unique set of challenges to take into account. I was apprehensive on my first day, as physical disability can affect how I work. I was thrilled when – unprompted – I was shown a variety of gender-neutral spaces, and it was made clear that Grayling encourages unique styles of working tailored to the individual.

Almost immediately, my requirements were accommodated, and equipment was purchased which allowed me to work at full capacity. Crucially, working with a disability can be unpredictable, which doesn’t play well with the time-sensitive and varied requirements of our clients. Despite this, everyone, regardless of seniority, treated me fairly and allowed me to work around my health. This was hugely gratifying, and part of a unique culture which allowed me to not just get the work done but also to prosper.

This is not only unusual but hugely gratifying; this work-as-you’re-able approach naturally comes with its own challenges, but the supportive infrastructure at Grayling balances everything out. This is not only a unique approach in the industry, but one that very clearly is only possible due to the collaborative atmosphere of the firm.

So, what’s it been like working at Grayling so far?
I find working at Grayling very exciting, as something new seems to appear every minute and my skillset develops at lightning speed as a result. Cliché aside, there are few other scenarios where a person can, in a single day, design and commission a line of merchandise to promote a major infrastructure bid while also working on a radical new climate and land preservation initiative. In my first week, I’d amassed enough to elevate my CV to godhood, let alone my first month!

The office community is unlike anywhere I have worked before; it is genuinely collaborative and organic, with hierarchy and seniority acting more as a guide than a rigid framework. People of all positions engage largely as equals and cooperate in a natural and instinctive way. Personally, I observe this to be an excellent way to structure a PR firm, as the needs of clients too are fluid, fast-moving and don’t necessarily adhere to a strict framework.

As such, Grayling seems better placed to anticipate and respond to change far more effectively than a lot of firms, and crucially everyone seems happier while they do it.

What are your personal ambitions for your career in PR?
In all honesty, Grayling is such a whirlwind that my ambitions change almost daily! As it stands, my primary aim is to build upon my skills and advance my knowledge. The company is absolutely overflowing with talent and experience, and I’d like to make use of it.

Consumer PR is an area I’ve never worked in, and I’m keen to develop my knowledge of that area by ranging out and collaborating with our team. Something I’m also keen to do is reinforce my network, which Grayling actually offers very useful guidance for.

I’m always impressed by the vast number of journalists, advisors and fellow PR professionals that many of my colleagues can call upon immediately, and I’m keen to connect with and establish my own list.

You can connect with Evelyn here on Linkedin.

If you’re keen to work with Grayling, check out our Join Us page to see what roles we have currently open. We look forward to hearing from you!

Grayling launches paw-some campaign with MORE THAN

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PSA: We all love dogs. And there’s no doubt they play an integral role in our lives. But for many families, they have been a real lifeline over the pandemic. Not only do they provide good company and structure, but they can also relieve stress and anxiety. Our client, MORE THAN insurance, recently partnered with charity, Dogs for Good, to help more people overcome challenges through dogs expertly trained to assist, enrich and improve the lives of families around the UK.

After an incredibly tough year, we wanted to shine a spotlight on those who have kept our spirits high, even the more unlikely contenders. Our latest campaign with MORE THAN and Dogs for Good revealed man’s best friend as the real unsung heroes of the pandemic.

The nationwide lockdown has caused mental health challenges for us all, not least for children. But what has a year of constant changes, isolation and interrupted learning meant for schoolchildren across the country? We got under the skin of parenting concerns by polling mums and dads to find out just how much the pandemic has taken its toll on their little ones.

And the results? Three in four parents fear the disruption has had a negative impact on their child’s mental wellbeing, with six in 10 already noticing the impact on their child’s ability to learn and read at home.

This is where our canine friends come to the rescue! Dogs for Good’s amazing assistance and community dogs can really improve children’s confidence, wellbeing and ability to learn and read at home. Around half (49 per cent) of parents told us they have noticed their kids find it harder to focus when reading so we wanted to highlight that there’s a four-legged solution.

Teaming up with well-known presenter and DJ, Jo Whiley, we wanted to bring the joy and comfort dogs provide families to life. At Dogs for Good’s beautiful site in Banbury and with the help of Fleck, one of their adorable expertly trained community dogs, we created a heart-warming read-along session of Dr Dolittle, for families and kids to enjoy at home.

It might not surprise anyone that time spent with a dog improves your mood, but for Mental Health Awareness Week this year, we got people talking about how they are also the ulti-mutt reading partner. On launch day, we generated awareness for the partnership and the value dogs can bring, while championing our pets across national media and social channels. With lots of positive support and shared experiences in response to our social content, it’s safe to say the campaign was getting a lot of puppy love.


With a newfound appreciation for dogs amongst families and children across the country, don’t forget that even in the most challenging times, we can all get by with a little help from our furry friends. Why not try reading your favourite book alongside your dog?

Want to find out more about this campaign? Contact Molly Woodward for more details or watch the full video on the MORE THAN website.