The Challenge
How do you raise worldwide awareness about old age poverty?
Grayling Austria helped Vollpension break down barriers between generations across the world.
We took senior citizen’s wisdom, their life stories and family recipes into the digital world by starting a series of baking classes which not only helped to raise awareness about poverty in old age, but also gave those affected a source of income.
The Solution
#bakeagainstpoverty, a global campaign forming an inter-generation community united against old-age poverty.
We turned the multilingual Vollpension grannies and grandads into ambassadors for the #bakeagainstpoverty campaign worldwide and partnered with organisations across the globe to build the foundation for a new inter-generational community. We had zero budget, but carried out targeted media outreach and created an extensive media kit containing charming and creative material for all media purposes.
The Results
Winner of 10 local and international industry awards
Reach via online media – including Euronews, France24 and Yahoo News Singapore, just name just a few
Reach via TV and radio
social media impressions (organic posts only)