UK rail industry reveals its biggest consumer rail campaign since the pandemic
| By Ayer Mehmet | 0 Comments

Today the rail industry unveils ‘Let’s get back on track’, a national marketing campaign which celebrates rail’s role in connecting people to the places and things they love the most.
Designed to encourage people back to the railway and make rail travel their preferred mode of transport again, the campaign highlights how rail is an enabler of reconnection by bringing to life the different journeys people take on the train every day; to explore the country, head back to the office, see a grandchild for the first time or just to go ‘out out’ again.
The advertising campaign launches today and follows on from National and Regional PR activity that encourages the public to ‘Seize a day’ by train when the restrictions have eased. As part of the PR launch the rail industry released the first of a series of studies that highlight the social and economic importance of train travel.
In addition to activity taking place across the train companies owned marketing channels, including at stations, a paid media campaign will run on TV and on-demand from today until the beginning of September alongside radio, OOH and digital that will run up to the end of October.
Speaking about the new campaign, Merel van den Boomen, Marketing Strategy Director at Rail Delivery Group, said: “Rail is fundamental to helping people reconnect whilst also at the centre of the country’s economic recovery from the pandemic, which is why the industry has come together to develop a national emotionally-engaging campaign to drive consideration of train travel and re-connect the UK. We can’t wait to welcome our customers back on our trains and are encouraging them to ‘seize a day’ and travel by train so they can have a relaxed journey, explore Britain and spend time with their loved ones again”.
Ryan Lietaer, Founder and CEO at independent creative advertising agency Accomplice, commented, “The past 12 months has reminded us just how precious it is to be connected to the people and experiences that bring meaning to our lives. Rail is an unbeatable way make those connections and so we built ‘Let’s get back on track’; an integrated communications platform designed to celebrate the national journey of reconnection. This is a campaign for all of us and the story of how we move forward together via rail”.
Lewis Starnes, Managing Partner at Spark Foundry, added, “It’s been a real pleasure to work with the industry and plan how we will share these wide and diverse emotional stories of reconnection with consumers and give people that reassurance to travel by train. Unsurprisingly, trusted premium media environments like TV and National news sites where attention is highest were an essential part of the mix. It was also important to evolve the campaign messaging across the summer, matching different leisure interests to the right consumer group. We’re excited to see these plans drive rail recovery after a tough year and get us all back on track.”
Estelle Boon, Head of Consumer at Grayling UK, said: “Encouraging the consumer to embrace rail travel again after such a long period of not doing so requires the kind of behaviour change comms that genuinely drive sales. A PR programme that is truly integrated is key and our remit has extended well beyond media engagement and reputation management, to customer promotions, content and advice tailored to human needs. It’s a privilege to be part of a campaign that will make a difference to the nation as a whole post-pandemic.”
For more information please contact:
George Eddy, Grayling UK,, 07766111572
About the ‘Let’s get back on track campaign’
The Let’s get back on track campaign is at the heart of the rail industry recovery programme, developed by RDG in collaboration with the Rail Revenue Recovery Group (RRRG) and TOCs with DfT’s consultation. This is the biggest consumer rail campaign since the pandemic with a significant media investment behind it, to allow the rail industry to reach key audiences and drive consideration of train travel. The campaign will launch on 16th August via a broad mix of media channels to ensure national coverage.
About the Industry Recovery Programme
In response to the impact of the pandemic on public sentiment towards rail, the industry has developed a strategic framework to help bring customers back and drive revenue recovery via a cross industry collaborative approach. An 18-month Industry Recovery Programme was developed with three key phases;
- To reassure customers about how rail companies are working together as part of the industry’s Safer Travel Pledge to highlight what the industry has been doing to help customers travel with confidence.
- Drive awareness and reappraisal of rail travel by encouraging people back on the trains with the national ‘Let’s get back on track campaign’ leading this.
- Show the importance of rail in the national recovery, focusing on the environmental and economic benefits of train journeys.