Orbán makes waves as Hungary takes its turn leading the Council Presidency

On July 1, 2024, Hungary assumed the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Shortly sharing its programme with the controversial title ‘Make European Great Again’, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán embarked – unannounced – on an international tour with stops in Kyiv, Moscow, Beijing, and the USA, fashioning himself as a mediator and potential peace negotiator.

Given the European Union is currently at a critical institutional junction, several institutional actors in Brussels and in Member State capitals have reacted by choosing to limit their participation in Council meetings chaired by Hungary, calling into question how much progress on legislative files can be made between now and the end of the year.

The Grayling Budapest have put together a report taking a look Hungarian Presidency’s priorities. Read on to find out what will be on the agenda if the Presidency manages to overcome this institutional and diplomatic impasse.

Click here to access the report