ESG Sustainability Report

Welcome to the first Sustainability Report from Accordience This is the first sustainability report for Accordience as we continue to build and operate our Group more cohesively and effectively. We fully acknowledge the issues facing our planet and society, and are committed to creating positive impact in everything we do both as Accordience but also as individual agencies. It is our belief that no single person, brand, company, government, scientist, NGO can deliver change on their
own. Which is why at Accordience, we believe in the power of collaboration and the impact that can deliver.
It gives me great pleasure to share the work that has been done across Accordience in our first year of operation. We have collaborated as agencies to build Accordience into a force for good within the world of communications. We have collaborated as industry experts to help our clients meet their business challenges.
We have collaborated as people to celebrate the diversity of our workforce and celebrate how a range of background builds a powerful culture and a productive business. We have collaborated in our communities to help create stronger bonds and to lend a hand to those in need.
We have ambitious plans for the future and are committed to continuous improvement. To achieve this, we will continue to place collaboration with critical stakeholders at the heart of our approach.
Included within this report are case studies of how we have helped clients communicate their sustainability initiatives. This work has aided our knowledge and helped us build our own strategy.
– Sarah Scholefield, Global CEO, Accordience
Read the full Sustainability Impact report: Accordience ESG 2023 Final Report 20.11.23