
Grayling Russia Shortlisted x2 for 2019 Diamond SABRE Awards

Grayling’s shortlisted projects at the prestigious international communications award – 2019 Diamond SABRE Awards – include:


  • #IWILL Run to Singapore with Under Armour (nomination: Social Media/Social Networking Campaign)
  • Stop breaking cats – get them to vets — Royal Canin (nomination: Animal Care)

#IWILL Run to Singapore with Under Armour: project description

Under Armour gave four charismatic runners with different backgrounds and motivation a chance to change their lives and prepare for their first marathon. Only one of them would actually run the Singapore Marathon, very challenging because of the hot and humid climate. We told their true stories on Instagram, Vkontakte and YouTube in a documentary video series. No script, no stand-ins, just life as it is.

Our heroes were supposed to be rivals but they became friends. They showed their true selves, with unexpected results. Those who seemed the strongest at the beginning of the project were completely overcome by the true winner, who wanted to prove to her husband that she was the superwoman of her childhood dreams. But in the end, celebrating their dedication, Under Armour brought the three remaining finalists to a more manageable marathon in Italy – it was an unexpected decision made at the very last moment.

The winner of the project is already preparing for the Paris Marathon, which takes place on her birthday. As she said in Singapore, “After this marathon, no other will be anything much to me.” An inspiring digital campaign on Instagram with user generated content, followed by a three-month documentary video series about the inner strength of the four contestants who love running as a way of empowering their personal lives become Under Armour’s most engaging digital content in Russia, their newest market, which they entered in late 2017.

Stop breaking cats – get them to vets by Royal Canin: project description

If you don’t take your car for a check-up twice a year, it will eventually break down. It’s almost inevitable. And once that happens, it generally costs a lot of money to fix it. The equation is simple and obvious: The less frequently you get it checked, the more expensive it will ultimately be – right?

So why should it be different with humans’ other darlings – cats? Why don’t millions of cat owners recognise that that their cats need regular visits to the vet if they are to live a long and healthy life? Particularly when, unlike cars, the consequences are potentially so much worse than just some additional expense you hadn’t planned for…

Royal Canin and Grayling decided to address these questions head-on through a cat health awareness campaign which, on top of delivering its core objectives, helped a hundred stray cats find loving homes!

The All-Russian social campaign Stop Breaking Cats – Get Them To Vets was conducted by Royal Canin in order to draw the attention of cat owners to the topic of the health of their pets and to create a culture of timely regular veterinary examinations. Within the framework of the initiative, owners from all over the country published promises on social networks to take cats to a veterinarian. For each post, Royal Canin transferred money to the Gift of Destiny charitable foundation. The funds raised went to the organization of a large-scale exhibition dedicated to pet adoption, held in Moscow.

About SABRE Awards

The 2019 SABRE Awards EMEA shortlist includes around 400 campaigns, selected from among more than 600 entries in this year’s competition, which recognizes Superior Achievement in Branding, Reputation and Engagement. The campaigns were evaluated by a jury of industry leaders. The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on May 22 at Battersea Evolution in London along with the Consultancies of the Year and Best Consultancies to Work For.