Meet our Creative Access Interns: Ronni Winter

Ronni Winter is a creative intern in the London Office. Ronni joins Grayling as part of our Creative Access partnership.

  1. What sparked your interest in design?

My background is in Art Direction for Film and Television, where I frequently developed detailed visual concepts to provide clients with a clear understanding of my ideas for their productions. However, I recognized the need to enhance my skills in design software to communicate my creative vision more effectively, particularly when collaborating with brands.

2. Can you tell us about your journey into the creative field? What were some key moments that led you here?

My journey in the creative field began with a passion for crafting visuals that convey meaning and tell compelling stories. I transitioned from working in the Art Department on commercial sets to taking on roles as a Creative and Designer in pre-production for advertising(I still take Production design work!). Throughout this experience, I have gained a deep appreciation for the entire production process and have developed a core understanding of its intricacies.

3. If you had to describe your creative style in three words, what would they be?

Engaging, strategic and explorative.

4. What does creativity mean to you, and how do you incorporate it into your everyday life?

For me, creativity serves as the driving force behind the importance of continual learning and exploration. Each day, I strive to absorb and comprehend as much as possible from my surroundings. This not only enhances my creative work but also deepens my understanding of the world around me.

5. Do you have a creative routine or ritual that helps you get into the zone?

A tidy space and a smoothie (something green) always does the job

6. What advice would you give to someone who is considering applying for an internship in the creative industry?

Even if a particular role is not the exact position you are aiming for, it can still provide valuable learning experiences that offer direction and a deeper understanding of the industry, as well as insight into your desired career path. Trust your instincts.

7. What’s the most valuable piece of feedback you’ve received so far, and how has it shaped your work?

That I have strong and well-formed ideas. It has empowered me to trust my creative instincts.