Meet our Creative Access Interns: Charlie Williams

Charlie Williams is a creative intern in the Manchester Office. Charlie joins Grayling as part of our Creative Access partnership.

What sparked your interest in creative?

What sparked my interest in a creative role is the dynamic nature of the job—every day brings something new, and having the opportunity to work on projects that I am genuinely passionate about.

I thrive on solving problems and find it exciting that, as a creative that I can address clients’ needs and challenges through innovation and fresh ideas.

I believe creative roles require continuous learning and becoming an expert in various areas to tackle diverse briefs. I admired the ability to influence brand identity and shift perceptions through creative work. 

Can you tell us about your journey into the creative field? What were some key moments that led you here?

My journey into the creative field began in secondary school with a marketing GCSE project, where I received full marks and the enterprise award for pitching a hat idea. I enjoyed developing new concepts and participating in enterprise challenges.

During the lockdown, I started a business creating social media content and products inspired by trends, which solidified my passion for PR and marketing.

I also contributed to market research panels, providing insights used in real campaigns. Empathy drives my creativity—I’m passionate about understanding people’s needs and exploring how we can improve society, socially and sustainably.

What does creativity mean to you, and how do you incorporate it into your everyday life

Creativity to me, is about connecting the dots between what I see, learn and experience. until something new emerges from the haze.

As Steve Jobs said, ‘Creativity is just connecting thing”. I feel like the process feels like moving through a fog, sorting through bits of ideas and inspirations. It’s about gradually letting that fog lift, piece by piece, until a clear and obvious idea emerges — something that makes perfect sense from all the information I’ve gathered. It’s about seeing what was always there, hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be discovered.”

In my everyday life, I incorporate creativity by staying curious and open-minded, constantly observing and drawing connections between seemingly unrelated things. Whether it’s through conversations, exploring new content, or simply reflecting on my surroundings, I try to remain receptive to the inspiration that can spark fresh ideas.

Do you have a creative routine or ritual that helps you get into the zone?

I wouldn’t say I have a specific creative routine, but I’ve found that being in a quiet space where I can relax and keep an open mind really helps me get into the zone. I also find that reading a brief and jotting down initial thoughts prior to research is beneficial.

That said, during my internship, I’ve discovered that some of my best ideas actually come from simple conversations and brainstorming sessions with colleagues. These interactions often spark that lightbulb moment, as hearing different perspectives allows me to connect their insights with my own, leading to fresh and relevant ideas.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering applying for an internship in the creative industry?

My advice for anyone considering an internship in the creative industry is simple: go for it! I’ve hesitated to apply in the past, thinking I lacked the necessary experience, but the truth is, internships are designed for learning and gaining experience. It only takes one “yes” to get started, and it’s a great opportunity.

When applying, if you’re concerned about not having specific experience in the field, try to connect your education, part-time jobs, and side projects to the industry through transferable skills and relevant outcomes. You might be surprised at how much related work you’ve already done.

Additionally, creating your own experience through personal projects like starting a blog, creating TikTok content, or building a sample portfolio for a hypothetical client. These initiatives can showcase your creativity and dedication, making you stand out as an applicant.

What’s the most valuable piece of feedback you’ve received so far, and how has it shaped your work?

The most valuable feedback I’ve received is to always move ideas forward rather than backward—in other words, no idea is a bad idea. This has been crucial in shaping my approach, as it has encouraged me to share thoughts and concepts without hesitation, even if they seem imperfect. This openness has often sparked conversation and inspiration for campaign ideas.

The most valuable piece of feedback I’ve received throughout this internship is the importance of advocating for yourself. This advice has come up with various colleagues, it emphasises that if you don’t actively voice your needs, goals, or ideas, you might miss out on opportunities or support. Being proactive about your aspirations not only helps you gain recognition but also opens doors for growth.